About Brazil

Macroeconomic Scenario

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)*
Total 2016: R$ 6.226 trillion;
GDP per capita (2016): R$ 30,407.

Per capita income (Rpc)*
Average in 2016: R$ 1,226;

Currency Exchange (US$ 1.00)*
Quotation on 12/30/14: R$ 2.66;
Quotation on 12/30/15: R$ 3.90;
Quotation on 12/30/16: R$ 3.26;
Quotation on 12/28/17: R$ 3.31.

*Sources: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and Central Bank of Brazil

Population Statistics Cenário Econômico

Census 2010 (inhabitants):

Projection in June/17 (inhabitants):

Five most populous states (inhabitants, projection July/2017):
1st: São Paulo (SP): 45,094,866
2nd: Minas Gerais (MG): 21,119,536
3rd: Rio de Janeiro (RJ): 16,718,956
4th: Bahia (BA): 15,344,447
5th: Rio Grande do Sul (RS): 11,322,895

Source: Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE)



Why Brazilian Products?

Brazil has 7 natural biomes: Amazon, Caatinga, Campos do Sul, Cerrado, Atlantic Forest, Pantanal and Coastal (source: http://www.wwf.org.br). Such diversity translates into a large and rich variety of fruits, roots, herbs, spices, vegetables, extraction and cultivation, in small, medium and large scales. In line with global trends in demand for natural, sustainable, functional, organic and/or gourmet food, among other attributes, the Brazilian industry has been offering product lines with high quality and typical flavors, capable of enchanting palates in the various markets around the world.

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Dica Açaí

The Brazilian super fruit from the Amazon, from a palm tree (Euterpe oleracea), has 30 times more anthocyanins than the red grapes. The substance, responsible for the purplish color of the fruits, is an important antioxidant and has a great appeal of healthiness attributed to red wines and grape juice. It also has special powers like fighting free radicals and slowing the aging of the skin and the body, in general. The fruit also has anti-inflammatory properties, as it is rich in fatty acids, aiding the solution and prevention of skin problems. It is also a great complement to the treatment of gastritis and helps in the prevention of cancer of the digestive system. Considered as one of the most nutrient rich fruits in the world, the Açaí has a high-energy value.

Dica Coconut water

It is the natural juice contained inside the coconut, fruit of the coconut tree (Cocos nucifera), a member of the Arecaceae family (palm trees family). Natural Coco Water is rich in vitamin C and this increases the production of white blood cells, cells that are part of the immune system and have the function of combating microorganisms and structures extraneous to the body. Powerful moisturizer for the body, it also acts as a restorer of the intestinal flora, recommended by doctors and nutritionists. With few calories and many nutrients, fat free and with high rehydrating power, it is a healthy diuretic drink.

Dica Brazilian beverages

Cachaça is the main distillate of the country, genuinely Brazilian and internationally recognized through its most famous drink: caipirinha. But, in addition to Cachaça, Special Beers are gaining more space in production and national preference. Today there are more than 300 microbreweries in the country (0.5% of the market), and in 2020 they are estimated to reach 4% of production volume. Silently, a brewing revolution takes place in Brazil. Every day, new special beers are created to serve a growing audience, thirsty for novelties. Lighter and more refreshing or with an extra bitterness; pure malt or with the use of wheat and rye in the recipe. Not to mention those that use ingredients from the Brazilian biomes, such as: cassava, jaboticaba, star fruit, coffee, tangerine, cashew, dragon fruit, among others. Brazil is also renowned in the beverage market for the production of a wide range of high quality liquors, appetizers, ciders, sparkling wines, wines, vermouths and distillates, as well as concentrated non-alcoholic syrups of the most diverse fruits, excellent for making drinks and cocktails.

Dica Cocoa

The fine cocoa grown in Brazil, in the Amazon and Southern Bahia State (the main producing region of the country), have specific quality characteristics, of origin, that attract the interest of producers of gourmet and premium chocolates. In the South of Bahia, Cacao is cultivated in the so-called "cabruca system", that is, the cacauals are planted in the understory of the Atlantic Forest, in the shade of trees such as rubber trees and açaí trees. This technique of cultivation, besides preserving nature, is fundamental to characterize the terroir. According to growers, the Bahia cacao has some peculiarities such as intense aroma, notes of dried fruits, citric touch and, depending on the variety, also notes of tobacco, wood, pineapple, raisin and passion fruit. Brazil is the fifth largest cocoa producer in the world, along with Cameroon, according to the World Cocoa Organization (ICCO).  


Dica Coffee

Brazil is the world‘s largest producer and exporter of Coffee and the second largest consumer of the product. The natural conditions of soil and climate for this crop, combined with the high technology, generate coffee with quality differentials, which the industry turns into blends of espressos, specials or gourmets for the most demanding markets, which has already provided the producers of the country with a number of international awards. Currently, the Brazilian coffee crop is estimated at 2.25 million hectares (about 8.7 million mi²). There are about 287 thousand producers, predominantly mini and small, in approximately 1,900 cities, organized in associations and cooperatives. The coffee production chain is responsible for generating more than eight million jobs in the country, providing income, access to health and education for workers and their families. (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply - MAPA).

Dica Sugarcane juice

Juice extracted from sugarcane (a group of species of tall perennial grasses of the Saccharum genre, Andropogonea tribe), is typically Brazilian and consumed in most of the country. It is a natural energy source and one with a low glycemic rate, is an aid to keep the body healthy and fit. It is also a source of glucose, which when processed by the body turns into glycogen, this one being a nutrient considered one of the best sources of energy for muscles. Very rich in potassium, it speeds up the digestion process, and is effective as a mild natural laxative. Rich in antioxidants, vitamins A, B and C and source of minerals, it can be consumed pure, with lemon or with other fruits.

Dica Chestnut of Pará (or Chestnut of Brazil)

It is the seed of the Amazon nut tree (Bertholletia excelsa), a tall, leafy tree native to the Amazon (reaches from 30m (32,80yd) to 50m (54,68yd) in height and 1m (1,09yd) to 2m (2,19yd) in diameter). It can be found in forests on the banks of great rivers, such as the Amazon, the Black, the Orinoco and the Araguaia. The Chestnut of Brazil has a high protein and caloric value, and is rich in selenium, a substance that reduces the risk of cancers, such as lung and prostate. It fights free radicals, acting against aging, strengthening the immune system and acting on thyroid balance. It can be consumed fresh, toasted or in the form of flours.

Dica Dairy Products

Brazilian dairy has a centuries-old history of high quality and special flavors, such as the famous Creamy Cottage Cheese (typical from Brazil), Condensed Milk, Milk Cream, Butter and UHT Milk, as well as High Dairy Beverages nutritive value. In 2014, Brazil ranked fifth in the world milk production, ranking behind the European Union, India, the United States and China, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). According to the USDA, Brazilian government-inspected milk production reached 26,101.0 billion tons in 2015 (growth of 2%) and the expectation for 2016 is that this volume reaches 26,623.0 billion tons.

Dica Hearts of Palm

Extracted from the stem of palm trees in Brazil, with the most common being the Amazonian species açaí and pupunha, or the juçara, originating from the Atlantic Forest. Rich in fiber, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A, B and C, it has a mild taste and is delicious in salads, roasted, stuffed with pies and pasta among other preparations. "Gentile food", that is, Indian food. That is how the Portuguese chronicler Gabriel Soares de Souza, for over 400 years, defined the palm hearts in his "Descriptive Treatise on Brazil" (1587). If at that time the ingredient extracted from the palm tree was the sustenance of several Brazilian tribes and of foreign explorers of our hinterland, it did not take long for Brazilians to choose one of their national preferences. Brazil is the largest producer and the world‘s largest consumer of Hearts of Palm, according to the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA), linked to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA).

Dica Cheese rolls

It is a typical Brazilian recipe, coming from the state of Minas Gerais. In spite of being referred to as "roll (bread)", the Cheese Roll basically consists of a type of biscuit made from sprinkles, flour derived from Cassava (Manihot esculenta, root of the Euphorbiaceae family), added with eggs, salt, vegetable oil and cheese, with a soft and elastic consistency. The Cheese Roll does not contain gluten in its composition, making it an excellent option, both for people with an intolerance to this protein, and for those who wish to adopt a diet restrictive of it. As a tasty food, it can both be consumed as a side order with coffees and teas and entrees of meals, or as an appetizer.


Dica Peppers

The pepper plant (Capsicum spp.) is an annual perennial and cultivation plant. Its fruits, the peppers, are part of the Brazilian cultural wealth and a valuable asset of our biodiversity. They are present throughout the national territory, in an immense variety of sizes, colors, flavors and, of course, of stinginess or ardor. The "Malagueta", "Dedo-de-Moça" and "Cumari Amarela" peppers are the most cultivated in Brazil, and together with "Biquinho", "Doce Americana" and "Chapéu de Bispo" are part of the numerous plantations in the country. The production has undergone major changes through the exploration of new types of peppers and the development of products with great added value, with a wide versatility of its culinary, industrial, medicinal and ornamental applications.

Dica Tapioca

With an indigenous origin, it is typical of the North and Northeast of Brazil and appreciated throughout the country. As it is made only of Manihot (Manihot esculenta, root of the Euphorbiaceae family), the Tapioca is a low-sodium, fat-free, low-calorie, easily digestible, non-gluten-containing natural food. It is rich in Vitamins K, C and Complex B, and is also rich in potassium, which acts as a vasodilator, that is, it reduces the stress and strain of blood vessels and arteries. One of the most valuable components of Tapioca is iron, essential for the normal functioning of the body and important in the creation of new red blood cells. The Tapioca can be eaten for breakfast (replacing bread) and in snacks throughout the day. It allows preparation with sweet or savory fillings.

Presidency and Executive Departments (Foreign Trade)

Presidência da República

Ministério das Relações Exteriores

Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos (Apex-Brasil)

Ministério do Desenvolvimento, Indústria e Comércio Exterior

Ministério da Agricultura

Logistics Structure - Export

Highway Railroad Harbor Airport


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Useful Links
  • BrazilGovNews

    Contents of News and Services by the Federal Government.

  • Defense Ministry

    Information on Defense, Sovereignty and Armed Forces.

  • Federal Police of Brazil

    Documents required for the stay, table of visas, entry and exit forms in the country.

  • Ministry of Health

    Updated information on epidemics and how to be protected.

  • Brazilian Airport Infrastructure Company (Infraero)

    Location of the country‘s airports and the respective information/services available.

  • Central Bank of Brazil

    Information on the Brazilian Financial System.

  • Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE)

    Information on Geosciences, Social, Demographic and Economic Statistics.

  • Department of Harbours of the Presidency of Republic

    Information on Sea and River Harbours.

  • National Department of Transport Infrastructure - DNIT

    Information on the Road, Railway and Waterway Infrastructures.

  • Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES)

    Information on support for the production of goods and services to the external market (pre-shipment) and financing the marketing of these products abroad (post-shipment).

  • Bank of Brazil (BB)

    Information on foreign trade credit lines.

  • Brazillian Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa)

    Its institutional purpose is to promote the protection of the population‘s health.
