Tapioca da Terrinha
* the informations are responsability of the associate

Tapioca da Terrinha

CNPJ 15.074.376/0001-18 Commercial Contact: Anderson Misumi
Phones: +55 11 98478-1436
Email: anderson.misumi@tapiocadaterrinha.com.br
Skype: andersonmisumi
Website: www.tapiocadaterrinha.com.br Address:
Avenida Senador Teotônio Vilela, 8785
São Paulo - São Paulo, CEP 04858-001
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About the Company

Tapioca is a typical Brazilian delicacy made purely from cassava. It is a 100% natural gluten-free flour and contains no sodium, no sugar, no fat and no preservatives, so it does not harm your body.

"READY TO COOK " ready to make flat bread (not tapioca perl, flakes or flour) is HYDRATED Tapioca. It has become very popular in recent years, the new food for fashion to be so easy to make, gluten-free, bread substitute, and also for being so versatile, sweet or salty, suitable for vegans and vegetarians. Ready to make pancake-like pancakes with different toppings for breakfast, dinner or desert.
