* the informations are responsability of the associate


CNPJ 14.034.584/0001-20 Commercial Contact: Helder Quadros
Phones: +55 75 3429-0500
Email: hquadros@aurantiaca.com
Website: www.obrigadonatural.com Address:
Rodovia Conde/Esplanada, BA233, S/N
Conde - BA, CEP 48300-000
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About the Company

Obrigado means ‘thank you‘ in Portuguese, the language of Brazil.

And we‘re thankful to nature for creating deliciously refreshing, low calorie fresh coconut water. So we try to keep Obrigado coconut water just as nature intended. We own our own farms in Bahia, Brazil where we grow our own coconuts. Then we bottle Obrigado right on our farm, using a patented extraction method that prevents air and light -- which can alter the taste -- from touching the coconut water. This ensures the freshest coconut water taste, without any additives.

